At Climate Pledge Arena, we’re not just about thrilling games and unforgettable concerts and events. We’re also committed to making a difference for our planet. The below graphic represents the key metrics that we use to tracking our environmental footprint.
As the most sustainable arena in the world, we believe transparency is crucial. This data will be updated at various times throughout the year. We invite you to follow along and be a part of our sustainability mission. Thank you for being part of this exciting journey and preserving our planet for generations to come!
We collect rainwater from our historic roof. In Year 2, we have collected +120,00 gallons of rainwater to utilize for ice operations. Our arena used 7 million gallons of water.
As the first all-electric Arena in the world, we consumed 34,423 MWh of electricity in year 1 and generated 482 MWh of solar energy from our solar panels.
Learn more about how we are powered by 100% renewable energy HERE.
Our goal is to divert 92% of waste across all operations across all operations. In year one, we recycled 348 tons of material, composted 279 tons of compost and produced 366 tons of landfill resulting in an 92% diversion rate.
Our goal is to source 75% of all our food ingredients from a 300-mile radius. During our first year of operating, we achieved 51% of our food being sourced within that radius. We continue to make strategic changes to our purchasing, and make progress towards this goal!
Our goal is for 25% of all fans and guests to utilize the free public transit passes provided to all publicly ticketed events. In Year 2, on average, 17% of arena fans utilized public transit.
In Year 2, public transit utilization looked like this:
Since the first Kraken home game of the 2023/2024 season, there are zero single use plastics available for purchase on our concourse. This means containers, utensils, packaging and beverages all can be recycled or composted.
Backup Power: By state law, we are required to have a diesel generator in case of an emergency. In Year 2, that Diesel generator used 200 gallons of fuel.
7,907,856 gallons
20,929 Metric Tons
30,423 MWh
51% of all food ingredients procured within a 300-mile radius
Transportation: Overal transit usage: 17%, Concert transit usage: 11%, Hockey transit usage: 21%, Basketball (WNBA/NBA) Transit Usage: 16%
Backup Power: By state law, we are required to have a diesel generator in case of an emergency. In Year 2, that Diesel generator used 200 gallons of fuel.
7,304,220 gallons
21,037 Metric Tons
34,942 MWh
52% of all food ingredients procured within a 300-mile radius
Overal transit usage: 19%, Concert transit usage: 12%, Hockey transit usage: 24%, Basketball (WNBA/NBA) Transit Usage: 22%
Backup Power: By state law, we are required to have a diesel generator in case of an emergency. In Year 2, that Diesel generator used 200 gallons of fuel.
We are still collecting data for Year 3 (October 2023 – September 2024)
We are still collecting data for Year 3 (October 2023 – September 2024)
We are still collecting data for Year 3 (October 2023 – September 2024)
We are still collecting data for Year 3 (October 2023 – September 2024)
We are still collecting data for Year 3 (October 2023 – September 2024)
We are still collecting data for Year 3 (October 2023 – September 2024)
We are still collecting data for Year 3 (October 2023 – September 2024)
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